Only You is an upcoming Philippine remake of the Korean drama of the same title aired by SBS (South Korea) in 2005. It stars the Hottest Property of ABS-CBN, Ms. Angel Locsin on the lead role, along with Sam Milby and Diether Ocampo, under the direction of Rory Quintos. It will air this April 27, 2009 replacing I Love Betty La Fea on ABS-CBN Primetime.
Sam Milby as TJ (Han Yi Joon)
Angel Locsin as Jillian (Cha Eun Jae)
Diether Ocampo as Jonathan (Jung Hyun Sung)
can't believe I'm gonna say this... But... Here it goes... I can't wait for this remake... I am kinda against remake but this one, really is an exception...Trailer alone, gives me goosebumps.I think that Angel was perfect for this part and finally I'm going to see her as a human being... LOLNo More SuperHuman Power, just the power of taste.And Surprisingly, Diether and Angel actually have a great chemistry... Hope this remake surpassed my expectation, which is currently high.Up for Angel, Up for Only YouOnly You, April 27 only on ABS CBN